Bob G. / DJ - The dance Ersatz

Bob G. shows

Bob wurde in London geboren, ist aber schon seit vielen Jahren in Artland. Er ist Musiker und hat in verschiedenen Bands gespielt: Cliff Barnes and the Fear of Winning, Surplus Stock, the Illegal Artists und dem Artland Country Club. Bob spielt einfache Gitarre und singt. Seine Texte spinnen ein Netz von Intrigen auf den Highways von Americana. Er liebt Fahrräder und ist Miteigentümer der Fahrradanhänger-Firma Carry Freedom.

Seine Show „The Dance Ersatz“ ist eine Mischung aus Soul, World, Rock und schrägem Zeug. Radio Art.Land war sein Plan, und er genießt jede Minute davon. Er ist auch Teil der Wohltätigkeitsshow Rock für Tibet, die jedes Jahr in Quakenbrück stattfindet.


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Meine „10 Scheiben der mich beeinflusst haben“:
Wow, it’s a tough call and there is a big difference being it being influential and it being very good. Also i think musicians will answer differently, but i’m glad to say some of mine have already been chosen, so that i won’t appear a complete idiot. Ok, how did i do this? I went through all my records and chose the ones i would take to that desert island – and then i threw out all the obvious ones, so no „What’s going on“, no „Blonde on Blonde“, no Beatles, no Bowie, no Neil Young, not even Tom Waits.

All of the following records are flawed, but they inspired me in my life, my songwriting and in reasons for making music. My belief is that art always has to push the listener, surprise them and pleasure them. These records did that for me.

1. Van Morrison – Astral Weeks – i remember listening to this the first time and thinking “Na, not my cup of cocoa!” but it has stayed with me through my life and i still hear stuff in there that gives me goosebumps.
2. James White and the Contortions – Contort Yourself – I loved this kind of music, we used to call it „fake jazz”, that came along with punk. You could put Television in the same category. But this blew me away when i first heard it.


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2. Chilli Willi and the Red Hot Peppers – This was “pub rock” at it’s finest and while the record sounds dated the band gave me that feeling of “you could do this”. Features Phil Litham (aka Snakefinger) and Martin Stone.


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3. Bob Marley – Live at the Lyceum – Going to school in Manchester for two years, changed the way i listened to music. Most of the boys liked rock (it was Woodstock time) the girls however all liked soul music. i liked both, so the move to ska and then reggae was an easy one. Imagine listening to this as a record from an unknown musician. it just blew everyone away.

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4. Emmylou Harris – Elite Hotel – This was one of my first country records, saw her live with band that played on this, which was more or less the band that backed up Elvis including the legendary James Burton.

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5. Dexy’s Midnight Riders – The old soul boy in me loved that working class dance now idea. it only lasted one record, but man was it good.

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6. Gomez – Bring it on – Seldom has a new band made me sit up and take notice as much as these guys. I won’t even try to describe the music to anyone unfamiliar with Gomez.


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7. John Martin – Solid Air
– Folk gone jazz, just a beautiful record.


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8. Pat Macdonald – Begging Her Graces
– Pat used to be Timbuk 3, who were pop stars for a while. This record is Pat singing about his demons and is wonderful. I like good lyric writers, because it’s how i got into this business. Pat is one of the best.


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9. Scott Walker – Scott – Weird and wacky, listen to the Brel songs on this.


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10. Tim Isfort Orchester – I loved this record. Saw him play live in Osnabrück man years ago, with Blixa Bargeld


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Tom Waits, Swordfishtrombone
Bob Dylan, Blond on Blonde
Televison, Marquee Moon
Stereo MC’s, Connected
James Taylor, Sweet Baby James


Who, Won’t get fooled again – For November 2020(!)
Kate Tempest, Tunnel Vision
Stephen Stills, Love the one you’re with
Neubauten, Ten Grand Goldie
The Souljazz Orchestra, Mista President (also for November 2020)




Bob was born in London, but has been in Artland for many years now. He’s a musician and has played in the bands: Cliff Barnes and the Fear of Winning, Surplus Stock, the Illegal Artists and the Artland Country Club. Bob plays simple guitar and sings. His lyrics spin a web of intrigue down the highways of Americana. Loves bikes and part owns the bicycle trailer company Carry Freedom. 

His show „The Dance Ersatz“ is a mix of soul, world, rock and weird stuff. Radio Art.Land was his plan and he is enjoying every minute of it. Also part of the Rock für Tibet charity show each year in Quakenbrück. 

All-Time favourite albums;

Tom Waits, Swordfishtrombone
Bob Dylan, Blond on Blonde
Televison, Marquee Moon
Stereo MC’s, Connected
James Taylor, Sweet Baby James

Listening to:

Who, Won’t get fooled again – For November 2020(!)
Kate Tempest, Tunnel Vision
Stephen Stills, Love the one you’re with
Neubauten, Ten Grand Goldie
The Souljazz Orchestra, Mista President (also for November 2020)


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